09 Mar

KIRA Race #6 – Kai Wa’a South Shore Smash

KIRA Race #6 – Kai Wa’a South Shore Smash

Kai Wa’a South Shore Smash

In collaboration with the

Unlimited Canoe Championship as part of the Aloha Aito

KIRA #6 Hawaii Kai to Mauliola (Sand Island)

10:00 start long course and 10:15 start for short course

Divisions: OC-1, OC-2, Surfski, SUP, Prone paddleboard, V-1. OC-6/V-6 and V-3.

The Six man canoe division will be part of the Aloha Aito V-6 race sponsored by KECO Capital and RUDDERLESS HAWAII WA’A presenting the “All Unlimited Canoe Championship”. The 1st 40 crews to register are guaranteed an Aloha Aito event shirt!

*Unlimited V6 – Male, Female and Mixed:

Open, Junior (19 and under), 40-49, 50-59, 60+.

*Spec OC6 – Male, Female and Mixed:


V-6 course: 14.5 Miles Hawaii Kai to Mauliola (Big Channel)

Long course (OC1, OC2, Surfskis): 13.5 Miles Hawaii Kai to Mauliola (Small Channel)

Short Course: 5.5 miles: Kaimana- to Mauliola (Small Channel)

*Pre-registration: $40.00 per paddler ($20.00 for Juniors 18 and under (and V6 juniors 19 and under) with code: KIRAJR online at  https://flpregister.com until FRIDAY midnight, March 7, 2026.

INSURANCE: Sign the online waiver at: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/RPJFEPdrH9p7z5NLHy83K6/

NO Late registration on race day

NOTE: Race day check in at Hawaii Kai  (near Hui Nalu Halau): 7:30 AM- 9:00 AM. All 6 mans must physically check in, but other crafts can check in by text to Joey (808)753-7685 for those with the official green and black numbers

At the end of the race join us at Mauliola (Sand Island) for lunch from Duke’s Restaurant, awards and prizes from our sponsors. Heavy on the Kai Wa’a swag:

2025 Sponsors